Charity is something that all of us should do to maintain the brotherhood and promote the good that still prevails in our world where kindness is nearly lost. The knowledge that you’re helping others in their needs is rewarding for your mental health, and it makes you automatically feel good.
Some Charitable Organisations In Singapore
Below is a list of the main charity organizations in Singapore who have helped and are helping a lot during the Pandemic crisis:
- The ItsRainingRaincoats: as its name suggests, they provide raincoats to protect Singapore’s migrant workers from the huge storms. It all started as a viral Facebook post and has come a long way.
- Transient workers count, too: there are hundreds of migrant workers in Singapore, and very often, their struggles go unnoticed. This organization works towards their welfare whenever they face exploitation or something like that.
- Riding for the disabled organization: the sweet pinies here are cute, but they also provide the disabled people training to function well with all that they have and thus boost their mobility and general confidence.
Charitable organisations in singapore are places where people should feel that it is their moral duty to help others and not do it just for the sake of doing it.
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