Often, people who work in certain types of jobs are required to wear personal protective equipment. However, these workers may be at risk for injury or illness if they don’t have the proper safety gear.
But what exactly does the term Personal protective equipment mean? What kinds of things might fall under this label? We’ve compiled a short list to help you understand the essentials.
These are some of the most common forms:
– Safety glasses or goggles for those who work with chemicals, welding equipment, and woodworking tools (also known as eye protection)
– Respirators and masks can be used in certain types of jobs like construction, where there is a chance of exposure to harmful contaminants
– Earplugs and earmuffs are needed for those who work in loud environments like factories or construction sites, where noise can cause problems with hearing over an extended period
– Gloves may be worn by people who do certain jobs that put them at risk for injuries. They can also be worn in cold weather to help keep workers warm
– Hardhats protect the head from injury. They are most often used by those working at construction sites, but they might also be helpful for certain landscaping jobs or other types of manual labor that requires digging into the ground
– Aprons help block chemicals and dirt from getting on the skin
– Helmets can reduce or prevent injuries to workers who need to be exposed to things like falling objects, debris, and chemicals. They are typically used by those working in factories and warehouses
– Knee pads and other types of padding help protect against injury while kneeling or crawling
The above list is not exhaustive, but it serves to give you an idea of what kinds of things fall under the category of personal protective equipment.
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