If you are looking to hire an iPhone app development company singapore, make sure to look at some of the key points before deciding on which one to work with. Make sure that they have expertise in developing iPhone applications, especially for businesses. Look at how long the company has been around and whether they are known for staying on top of technological trends. Check if they are using well-designed development frameworks for both hybrid and native apps.
Also, ask the service provider if they will hand over complete ownership of the app development code or not. This is very important as your app may contain certain functionalities that have been conceptualized through your own research and efforts. A good example of this is when you are working on a fitness app which contains workout routines for different body parts. The project manager for your project should be able to give you a detailed explanation of all the ownership details of the code and how this will work in a future release of your app. Also ask the app development company uses agile, or waterfall, approach in the application. Agile is a software development process which focuses on improving the quality of the user’s experience and fixing small bugs or glitches instead of waiting for big bugs to appear.
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